IdeaWorks Studios Gallery & Makerspace

Membership Agreement
IDEAWORKS, INC. and Member hereby agree to the following Terms and Conditions:
1. Definitions:
The following terms will have the stated meanings for purposes of this Agreement:
a. Member: “Member” means the person referenced above.
b. Facilities: “Facilities” means the real property located at 1002 SE 8th Ave, Multnomah County, Portland Oregon 97214, operated by IDEAWORKS, INC.
c. Makerspace: “Makerspace” means the space in the Facilities defined by IDEAWORKS for use by its Members under the Terms of this Agreement. Members may be assigned a designated private Studio space within the Makerspace, as noted below.
d. Studio: “Studio” refers to the designated private space assigned to a Member.
e. Common Areas: “Common Areas'' means the spaces in the Facilities defined by IDEAWORKS that may be used and accessed by all IDEAWORKS Members and Guests, unless otherwise temporarily unavailable.
f. IDEAWORKS: “IdeaWorks” means the non-profit 501(c)(3) registered in the State of Oregon as “IdeaWorks, Inc.”
2. Membership:
a. Membership Term: The Membership Term, and Member’s obligations to pay Monthly Membership Dues, will start and end as of the dates indicated above. The Term of Monthly Memberships will begin on the first day of the month and end on the last day of the same month, and will automatically renew on the first of the following month until Membership is terminated. For Monthly and Fixed-Term Memberships, if the Membership Term begins on a date other than the first of the month, Membership Dues will be prorated for the remainder of that month.
b. Membership Dues: IDEAWORKS bills Members by auto draft on a recurring basis on the first of each month. For Memberships beginning between the 1st & 14th of the month, Member will be responsible for the first month’s Dues, whether prorated or full, at signing. For Memberships beginning on or after the 15th of the month, Member will be responsible for any prorated Dues plus the cost of the first full month at signing. Auto draft will begin the following month on the 1st. Member will pay Membership Dues to the account designated by IDEAWORKS in the amount listed above, by automatic withdrawal or other approved electronic payment method. Dues are considered paid when IDEAWORKS receives them, not when submitted or sent by Member. Member will provide IDEAWORKS with a voided check or current bank account information upon commencement of this agreement. Member acknowledges and authorizes IDEAWORKS to charge the provided bank account for any and all outstanding balances or fees, including but not limited to those relating to abandoned property, at the Termination of this Membership Agreement. If IDEAWORKS does not receive Member’s Dues by 11:59pm on the 1st of the month, Member will be charged a $50.00 late fee every 5 days. A $50.00 fee will be assessed to Member for each unpaid charge returned by Member’s financial institution. IDEAWORKS retains the right to suspend any or all of Member’s Membership Benefits if Member’s Membership Dues are in arrears for thirty (30) days or more. Any additional fees or fines incurred or associated with processing a disputed or returned payment to IDEAWORKS shall be reimbursed by Member if the payment is determined to be legitimate. Three or more late payments may result in termination of membership.
c. Utilities: All utilities, including garbage and recycling service will be calculated at a percentage of the total bill and invoiced separately to each Member. Utility statements are available upon request.
d. Damage Deposit: All Members of IDEAWORKS shall be liable for any property damage to IDEAWORKS Facilities and/or personal injury to other persons using the Facilities caused by Member or Member’s Guest. A damage deposit will be required from each Member at time of initial Membership signing. If damages beyond the scope of initial deposit occur, it shall be the obligation of the Member to pay for any costs involved upon presentation of a statement thereof.
e. Contact Information: Member agrees to provide current and accurate contact information. If Member’s phone number, email, address or otherwise change at any time during the Membership Term, Member will timely provide the new contact information to IDEAWORKS in writing.
f. Membership Cancellations and Refunds: All cancellation requests must be provided in writing with a minimum 30 days’ written notice of intent to cancel, as outlined in Section 13 (Termination/Suspension of Agreement). Memberships will not be considered canceled until proper written notice has been received and confirmed. Termination of an IDEAWORKS Membership without providing 30 days’ written notice of intent to cancel will result in forfeiture of damage deposit. Early Termination of Fixed Term Memberships may additionally be subject to repayment by Member of the full, remaining balance of the contract (Membership Dues through end date). IDEAWORKS Membership Dues are non-refundable.
3. Benefits of Membership:
In addition to use of the Makerspace indicated above, Member’s benefits of Membership include the following:
a. Facilities Access: Members will be issued a numeric door access code that will allow 24-hour access to the Makerspace, Studios and Common Areas of the Facilities. The sharing of access codes with others, regardless of whether or not they are IDEAWORKS Members, is strictly forbidden.
i. Compromised Codes: If an access code is lost, misplaced, stolen, or otherwise compromised, Member must notify IDEAWORKS immediately. Member may be held responsible for any damages resulting from the improper use of access codes, including but not limited to costs incurred to provide new access codes.
ii. Restricted Areas: Unless otherwise contracted-for or agreed-to by IDEAWORKS in writing, Member’s Facilities access does not include access to any other or additional areas, including but not limited to the private Studio spaces of other members or any IDEAWORKS spaces marked “private.”
b. Wifi/Internet Service: Member will be provided with secured wifi internet service at no additional cost.
c. Events: Members may be invited to participate in certain exhibitions and events organized or hosted by IDEAWORKS.
4. Makerspace Use:
a. Non-Exclusivity: Member agrees and understands that the Makerspace is for use with other Members. Member may not designate or claim any portion of the Makerspace (outside of assigned Studio spaces) for their exclusive use or store anything in the Makerspace or Common Areas without prior approval from an IDEAWORKS Representative.
b. Unauthorized Sharing: Member understands that the Makerspace is intended to be used only as an artists’ workspace. Unauthorized sharing of the Makerspace with Guests or non-members is strictly prohibited.
c. Instruction for Hire: Member understands that the Makerspace is intended to be used only as an artists’ workspace, and that Member may not offer classes or regular individual instruction in the Makerspace or anywhere else in the Facilities unless specifically authorized in writing by IDEAWORKS to do so.
d. Production: IDEAWORKS does not provide workshop access for production-scale fabrication absent separate written authorization. At the discretion of IDEAWORKS and its Representatives, any Member viewed as doing large-scale production work that uses resources above and beyond those covered by their Membership Dues anywhere in the Facilities will be notified to stop production, and Membership will be terminated. Any associated costs or losses suffered by IDEAWORKS as a result of Member’s actions relating to production may be charged to Member's account.
5. Storage:
Membership at IDEAWORKS does not include storage space outside of Member’s assigned Studio space. Additional storage space may be available upon request and subject to availability and additional fees. Members should contact to inquire as to current availability and rates.
a. Conditions of Storage: Projects or materials may be left up to 24 hours in Common Areas with the permission of an IDEAWORKS representative provided that they are stored in an approved location that is not hazardous or inconvenient and have been properly labeled with the full name and phone number of Member, and date of storage.
b. Damage, Loss or Theft of Property: IDEAWORKS is not responsible for any item left at IDEAWORKS under any circumstance. Member acknowledges and accepts the inherent risks associated with the use of a shared Facility.
c. Unlabeled or Abandoned Property: Unlabeled items left in the Facility outside of assigned Studio spaces for more than 24 hours or left in the Facility beyond 7 days after Membership terminates will be removed. IDEAWORKS makes a best effort to notify individuals before material/projects are seized.
6. Hazardous Substances or Activities:
Member must not use any hazardous substances or engage in any hazardous activities, above and beyond the commonly understood intended use of equipment in the Facilities, without first receiving permission, in writing, from IDEAWORKS. Permission may be granted at IDEAWORKS' sole discretion upon Member’s satisfactory demonstration of their competency in safely handling such substances or doing such activities, and Member’s provision, at their own expense, of any safety apparatus, equipment, tools or the like deemed necessary by IDEAWORKS. If such permission is granted by IDEAWORKS, the allowed substances or activities will be detailed in writing, which will be labeled Appendix A (and subsequent if additional permissions are necessary), signed by IDEAWORKS and Member, and incorporated into this Agreement by reference.
a. “Hazardous Substances” means materials that may cause or pose a present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly used, stored, disposed of, generated, or otherwise handled. The term “Hazardous Substances” is used in its very broadest sense and includes without limitation any and all hazardous, inflammable or toxic substances, materials or waste as defined by or listed under State and Federal Environmental Laws.
b. “Hazardous Activities” means activities that, because of the substances, equipment, or processes involved, may cause or pose a significant or unusual, present or potential hazard to human health or safety when improperly used, done, stored, or otherwise handled. The term “Hazardous Activities” is used in its very broadest sense and includes without limitation, any use of the Makerspace equipment that varies from the commonly understood intended use of said equipment.
c. Insurance: Member may obtain general liability or property insurance if so desired. However, if Member uses any Hazardous Substances or engages in any Hazardous Activities on a regular basis, as reasonably determined by IDEAWORKS, Member must obtain and carry hazard insurance, which policy must name IDEAWORKS as an additional insured, and provide proof of such insurance coverage to IDEAWORKS.
7. Damages to Persons or Property:
a. Damage to the Facilities: Member will be responsible for any loss, cost, or damage to the Facilities caused by the willful or negligent conduct of Member, Member’s Guests, invitees or by any person under Member’s direction or control. If the entirety or any part of IDEAWORKS property is damaged due to an IDEAWORKS Member’s negligent action(s) or failure to act, IDEAWORKS reserves the right to bill Member the Fair Market Value to replace or repair damaged property including any labor cost to repair.
b. Damage or Injury to Member or Member’s Property: IDEAWORKS is not responsible for any injury or damage to Member or Member’s property other than damage directly caused by a willful or negligent act or failure to act of IDEAWORKS. IDEAWORKS is further not responsible for any of Member’s property that may be lost or stolen anywhere in or around the Facilities.
8. Additional Obligations in Makerspace:
In addition to the above, Member agrees to the following:
a. Member will not allow damage to any area of the Facilities.
b. Member will not allow excessive waste of the Utilities or Services provided by IDEAWORKS or otherwise shared by IDEAWORKS Members.
c. Member will make no alterations or additions to the Makerspace beyond prior authorized changes to assigned Studio spaces.
d. Member will not remove fixtures from any area of the Facilities.
e. Member will not engage in any activities in or around the Facilities that are unlawful, illegal, or unreasonably dangerous.
f. Member will notify IDEAWORKS in writing of any damage, injury, or other reportable incident that occurs while in or around the Facilities.
g. Member will participate in any shared housekeeping duties, as outlined in Section 17.
h. Member will follow required procedures for securing the Facilities, as outlined in Section 17.
i. Member will adhere to any and all Facility-specific Terms, Conditions and Policies that IDEAWORKS establishes.
9. Right to Regulate Use of Facilities:
IDEAWORKS reserves the exclusive right to make and implement rules, regulations, and restrictions regarding the use of all or any part of the Facilities as it may deem necessary or appropriate. IDEAWORKS may modify, amend, or revise this Membership Agreement, including IDEAWORKS POLICIES in whole or in part at any time. A copy of the current Agreement is available at and notice of all current Safety Policies are posted in the Common Area of the Facilities.
a. Maintenance and Repairs: In order to keep the Facilities in the best possible condition, IDEAWORKS in its entirety or in part may be closed for a temporary time period for repairs and renovations. There will be no adjustment in dues for this period of closure.
b. Events: If there is an event in the Common Area of IDEAWORKS, Members will still have access to their assigned Studio, but may have to coordinate using Common Areas during these times.
10. Assignment:
This Agreement may not be assigned by Member to any other person or entity.
11. Renewal of Fixed-Term Memberships:
Upon expiration of the Member’s agreement, all Fixed-Term Memberships will automatically convert to Month to Month Memberships at the current advertised monthly rates. If Member desires to renew their Fixed-Term Membership with IDEAWORKS, Member must notify IDEAWORKS in writing no later than 30 days prior to the expiration of the Membership Term. All Membership renewals are subject to the discretion of IDEAWORKS.
12. Expiration of Membership Term:
Once agreement has expired or otherwise terminated, Member’s access to the Makerspace will be revoked at 11:59 pm on the Membership End Date. When the Membership Term expires, Member agrees to:
a. Remove All Property: Completely remove all property from the IDEAWORKS Facilities (Makerspace, Studios and Common Areas). If Member’s property is not timely removed and Member makes no arrangements to retrieve their property within 7 days of the Membership End Date, Member agrees and understands that their property will be considered abandoned. All abandoned property left in the Facilities beyond 30 days will be removed, sold, or otherwise disposed of by IDEAWORKS at its sole discretion. IDEAWORKS reserves the right to bill Member for any incurred storage costs of belongings left in the Facilities after Membership has Terminated.
b. Pay All Outstanding Balances: Pay in full any outstanding balances owed to IDEAWORKS, including but not limited to those related to any agreed-upon Studio upgrades or improvements financed by IDEAWORKS as outlined in Section 13 (Termination/Suspension of Agreement).
13. Termination/Suspension of Agreement:
IDEAWORKS reserves the right to suspend or terminate any Membership at its sole discretion. Monthly Members may terminate this Agreement for any reason by giving 30 days’ written notice to Fixed-Term Members may forfeit damage deposit if Agreement is terminated before the full duration of their Contract Term. Early Termination of Fixed Term Memberships may additionally be subject to repayment by Member of the full remaining balance of the contract (Membership Dues through end date). IDEAWORKS Membership Dues are non-refundable.
a. Termination for Cause: At its option, IDEAWORKS may terminate this Agreement and revoke Member’s access to the Facilities immediately, or on a specified date in the future, for cause, which includes without limitation:
i. Membership Dues being in arrears for thirty (30) days or more; or
ii. Member’s material breach of Section 4 (Makerspace Use), Section 6 (Hazardous Substances and Activities), Section 10 (Assignment), or the Liability Waiver of this Agreement, or failure to cure the breach(es) within the time required as stated in IDEAWORKS' written notice of the breach(es); or
iii. Member’s material breach of any of the IDEAWORKS Policies, Terms and Conditions (Section 17)
If a future date for revocation is set, Member will still be responsible for payment of Membership Dues until that date and IDEAWORKS may accept Membership Dues for the period up to that date without forfeiting its rights under this Agreement or the law. All outstanding balances, including balances relating to Studio upgrades financed through IDEAWORKS, will become due and payable immediately upon termination of Membership.
14. No Joint Venture or Representation:
Membership in IDEAWORKS does not constitute a joint venture, partnership, nor other ongoing business interest between Member and IDEAWORKS, nor does Membership grant a Member authority to act as an Agent or Representative of IDEAWORKS, its subsidiaries, affiliates or assigns. Members of IDEAWORKS are not given voting privileges for IDEAWORKS operations.
15. General Terms:
a. Notices: A notice or demand to Member may be mailed to their physical address, emailed to them at the email address provided by Member, or handed directly to Member. A notice or demand to IDEAWORKS must be mailed to: 1002 SE 8th Ave Portland, OR 97214, emailed to:, or handed directly to an Authorized Representative or Agent of IDEAWORKS.
b. Changes to this Agreement: IDEAWORKS reserves the right to make changes to the terms of this Agreement or any attached documents. IDEAWORKS will provide written notice of the updated Agreement to the email provided by Member.
c. Entire Agreement: This Agreement and its Appendices are the entire agreement between IDEAWORKS and Member. No oral agreements or otherwise have been made or will be considered valid or binding.
d. Governing Law and Exercise of Rights and Remedies: This Agreement will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon and shall be venued in Multnomah County. Either party may use any or all of its legal rights and remedies. The use of one or more rights or remedies is not an election of remedies.
e. Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of law of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be modified to be within the limits of enforceability or validity, if feasible; however, if the offending provision cannot be so modified, it shall be stricken and all other provisions of this Agreement in all other respects shall remain valid and enforceable.
f. Indemnification: Any Member, Guest, or other person who in any manner makes use of or accepts the use of any tools, equipment, facility, privilege, or service whatsoever owned, operated or made available by or through IDEAWORKS, or who engages in any event or other activity operated or organized, arranged or sponsored by IDEAWORKS, either on or off of IDEAWORKS’ premises, shall do so at their own risk, and agrees at all times to indemnify, defend and hold harmless IDEAWORKS and its Members, Officers, Directors, Authorized Representatives, Agents, Contractors, Successors and Assigns from and against any and all loss, cost, claims, injuries, actions, damages, liabilities and expenses sustained or incurred by them resulting therefrom, and/or resulting from any act of any Owner, Representative or Agent of IDEAWORKS including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees, arising in whole or in part out of or by reason of: (i) any loss of life, personal injury, accident or occurrence in or around the Makerspace or Facilities, any use of the Makerspace or Facilities, or any hidden or apparent defect, or any other condition in the Makerspace or Facilities; (ii) any damage to or loss of any property of Member, or property in Member’s possession, whether or not by reason of theft, vandalism, criminal acts, or failure of IDEAWORKS' security measures, and whether or not this damage to or loss of property occurs in or around the Makerspace or Facilities; (iii) any act, negligence, or fault of Member, their Agents or Invitees, whether or not occurring in or around the Makerspace or Facilities; (iv) any acts, negligence, fault or omissions of other IDEAWORKS Members, their Agents or Invitees; or (v) any breach or default in the performance of any obligation to be performed under this Agreement by Member, or resulting from or arising out of the act or omission of Member, their Agents or Invitees.
16. Compliance:
Member agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement and Liability Waiver in full and as may be modified by IDEAWORKS. If and when modified, Member (and Guests) will be provided with the modified version for signature. Failure to sign and return any modified liability waiver may be considered cause for IDEAWORKS’ termination of this Agreement.
17. IdeaWorks Policies:
IDEAWORKS POLICIES are detailed below and are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Member agrees to abide by the Terms therein as outlined, or as they may be modified at IDEAWORKS’ discretion. IDEAWORKS POLICIES shall apply to all Members and their Guests, and all other Visitors (family members, clients, etc.).
a. Equal Opportunity: IDEAWORKS is an equal opportunity organization and does not allow discrimination based upon ethnicity, ancestry, gender, national origin, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, or any other status prohibited by applicable law.
b. Age: Unless otherwise specified, IDEAWORKS is open to anyone 18+. Youth ages 16-17 may attend after a legal guardian has met with an IDEAWORKS Representative and signed a liability waiver. Youth ages 10-15 may attend with an adult and a waiver signed by a legal guardian.
c. Guests: All Guests must be accompanied by either an active Member or IDEAWORKS Representative at all times. IDEAWORKS reserves the right to revoke Guest access for any reason without prior notice. Members shall be responsible for the conduct of and any damages caused directly or indirectly by their Guests, who shall be subject to this Membership Agreement, including IDEAWORKS POLICIES, and all revisions and changes of such.
i. Visitor Release and Waiver of Liability: All IDEAWORKS Guests must complete a Guest Release and Waiver of Liability form prior to or upon entry. Guests and visitors may not use any equipment within IDEAWORKS Facilities.
d. Conduct: IDEAWORKS does not permit and will not tolerate any inappropriate conduct. Such conduct includes but is not limited to: using abusive, offensive, insulting, demeaning language, profanity, unnecessarily loud language, lewd conduct or any conduct that harasses or is bothersome to Members, Guests, or IDEAWORKS Representatives. For purposes of clarity and without limitation, any interaction within the IDEAWORKS space is subject to the consent of all participants. IDEAWORKS reserves the exclusive right to immediately terminate Membership of, revoke access to, and/or permanently ban from the building any person, whether or not a Member, upon receipt of a conduct complaint, whether or not such complaint has been independently verified or otherwise.
e. Weapons: IDEAWORKS does not allow any weapons on the premises. This includes weapons covered under a Concealed Weapons Permit.
f. Shared Housekeeping Duties: Members of IDEAWORKS Makerspace will be required to participate in and complete shared housekeeping duties. These tasks may vary and will be assigned and posted in IDEAWORKS Common Areas.
g. Securing Facilities: Members of IDEAWORKS Makerspace are required to confirm that the Facilities are secured and locked behind them upon entering and exiting. Under no circumstances should a Member allow any access point to be unsecured, nor permit entry to the building.
h. Media Release: By signing this Agreement, Member consents that IDEAWORKS has full and unrestricted publishing and use rights for any photographs or other media (digital or print, in any medium) generated at the IDEAWORKS Facilities by IDEAWORKS Representatives or Volunteers. This includes, but is not limited to, images of any members, visitors, materials or art, either brought into or created/generated at IDEAWORKS. Additionally, participants hereby release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless IDEAWORKS from any liability by virtue of any modification, distortion or use in composite form whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the generation of said media or in any subsequent processing thereof, as well as any publication thereof, including without limitation any claims for libel or invasion of privacy.
i. Safety: All persons entering spaces operated or controlled by IDEAWORKS are required to maintain competence. Any Member or Guest will immediately advise an IDEAWORKS Representative of any dangerous or unsafe condition or behavior observed in any IDEAWORKS Facility and will not continue use of the IDEAWORKS Facility until the condition is made safe. The use or possession of alcohol and/or physically impairing or illegal drugs is considered reckless endangerment and is not allowed on the premises under any circumstances. Violation of this policy will result in immediate removal from the premises by an IDEAWORKS Representative.
j. Animal Policy: It is the responsibility of anyone bringing or allowing an Animal into the Facilities to gain advance permission from an authorized representative of IdeaWorks. Animal companions will be allowed solely at the discretion of an IdeaWorks Representative. Pursuant to ORS 659A.143, registered service animals are always welcome. Additional guidelines apply and are available at and are posted in the Facility.
In addition to the policies set forth herein, all Members and Guests are required to follow all posted policies, rules and guidelines. IdeaWorks Rules, Policies and Guidelines may be found at and are posted in the Common Areas of the Facilities.
Liability Waiver and Release
NATURE OF THE ACTIVITIES: Use of the IDEAWORKS Facilities and participating in IDEAWORKS Activities (together the “Activities”) involves, but is not limited to: woodworking, metal working, crafting, use of small, medium, and large equipment and tools, exposure to chemicals, dust and other irritants. The undersigned acknowledges that access to the Facility includes access to inherently dangerous situations and equipment capable of causing injury, including but not limited to injury through exposure to sound, noise, light, heat, hazardous chemicals, machinery, and moving objects including but not limited to motorized vehicles, tools, blades, and projectiles generated by machinery.
ASSUMPTION OF RISKS: Participating in these Activities involves risks. It is not possible to compile a complete listing of the risks, however, they include the possibility that you may suffer serious, even fatal, injury or illness. By signing this you agree that you understand that the risks may include but are not limited to: (1) minor injuries such as scratches, cuts, abrasions, bruises, and sprains, (2) major injuries such as eye injury or loss of sight, joint or back injuries, heart attacks, and concussions, (3) exposure to viruses including COVID-19 and variants, (4) catastrophic injuries including dismemberment, paralysis and death. By signing this form, you acknowledge that the challenges and potential benefits of your participation in Activities have been explained to you AND THAT, to the best of your knowledge, you are in good physical condition, and you are not aware of any physical or physiological conditions which would place you at risk to participate in any way in Activities. You also acknowledge that you voluntarily, knowingly, and freely assume, and take full responsibility for all risks, known and unknown, related to your participation in the Activities, and you further acknowledge that you are entirely responsible for deciding whether to participate in any Activities with and for deciding in which Activities you can safely participate.
RELEASE OF CLAIMS: You hereby agree for yourself and for your heirs, relatives, representatives, estate, agents, and assigns, to release and forever discharge Ideaworks and its directors, officers, members, staff, employees, volunteers, agents and representatives, and any others who participate in the Activities of, or who volunteer for, or perform work for, (together the “Released Parties”) from any and all demands or claims for damage or injury, from any cause of suit or action, known or unknown, that you may have against the Released Parties and for any and all harm or damage to your health in any manner resulting from or arising out of your use of the facilities and participation in activities that is not caused by the gross negligence, wanton or willful misconduct, or reckless or intentional acts of the Released Parties.
SUFFICIENT REVIEW: By signing, you attest that you have had sufficient time to read this entire Liability Waiver and Release section and consult with legal counsel prior to signing, should you choose to. You understand that these activities may not be made available to you if you choose not to sign this Release.
The undersigned has/have read this Release and understand(s) its terms. This Release is executed freely and voluntarily, with full understanding that the undersigned is/are giving up substantial legal rights.
Violation of IDEAWORKS Membership Agreement and/or Policies
If any Member or Guest violates any Terms or Conditions of this Membership Agreement, including IDEAWORKS POLICIES, IDEAWORKS may require that person to stop work and leave. Any Member’s violation of any of these Terms or Conditions may also cause IDEAWORKS, in its sole discretion, to terminate that person’s Membership and/or other Agreements without the right to a refund.
By signing the IdeaWorks Membership Agreement, I affirm that I have read, understand and agree to comply with this Membership Agreement and all of its Terms and Conditions, including IDEAWORKS POLICIES